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replace crank sensor, ingcoilcontinuity from vcm - ?

Pulled code p0420 on 99 chevy astro, 2wd, v6. After trying to crank it to no avail about 15 times, the battery died. Went out to start van and it started! Do you notice crank when you turn over the key in ignition to start. JUST DID IT STILL NO LUCK JUST CRANKS BUT WON'T START. case 1840 auxiliary hydraulics Put all those parts back on the S10 and it runs fine. If you don`t have a pressure tester then remove the air cleaner hose to the engine and spray it with carb. I bought it a week ago and it ran great for three days. 1998 chevy astro van you turn the key on everything lights up but it wont crank its at the shop now they replaced the starter it worked for the day now its doing the same thing any advise. fedex ground store My wife comes to get me, and an hour after it first quit, it starts. A friend of mine said to try a hammer to the starter box ( what is that? ) Can you tell me my next step? A few weeks ago the van didn't start. Any suggestions? Posted by Anonymous on Jan 17, 2010 Clicking this will make more experts see the question and we will remind you when it gets answered Now it cranks but still. Vertically, about the same. pop homes charlotte nc Thread starter Deswatt;. ….

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